Como comentei convosco, rumámos a sul este fim de semana. Aproveitámos o feriado e fizemos ponte :-) E que bem que soube.Que o digam as crianças, pois desta vez não só puderam entrar dentro de água como o puderam fazer devidamente vestidas :-) Para quem não leu o meu post e viu as fotos da nossa anterior ida ao Algarve (ver aqui), os coitadinhos tiveram de fazê-lo vestidos com calções e tshirt... A mãe deles, essa desnaturada, tinha deixado tudo em casa...e com tantas coisas bonitas para estrear e...fotografar! Nem parece coisa de blogger! eheheh
Pois bem, desta vez não me distraí e estavam suuper cool! Sei que corro o risco de ser repetitiva, mas desculpem-me lá qualquer coisinha ;-) Eu ADORO esta marca! Adoro a estética, as cores,...ficam sempre tão giros <3 De quem falo? Suuim, é claro!
Tenho tantas coisas desta marca, que comprei para eles, para mostrar. Pena que, apesar dos quatros dias, o tempo correu e não deu para usarem quase nada. Mas vou mostrando a pouco e pouco.
Ora digam-me lá, ficam giros ou não ficam? Sou apaixonada por cores néon na praia. Quando estiverem mais bronzeados, sobretudo o meu branquela mais pequeno :-), este amarelo néon vai ficar um show!
As I´ve told you previously, this past weekend we headed south to take advantage of the bank holiday (and bridge-holiday :-) ). And it felt so good.
The kids may say it! This time not only they were able to get into water as they were able to do it properly dressed :-) For those of you who haven´t read my post and seen the photos from my last trip to the Algarve ( click here), my poor kids had to do it in shorts and t-shirt... It seems their mother forgot and left it all back at home :-D So many cool things to try on...and take photos of! Not a blogger thing! eheheh
Well, this time I behaved and they looked suuper, suuper cool! I know I might sound repetitive but please forgive me. I LOVE this brand! The aesthetic, the colours... they always good great <3 Of which brand I´m talking about? Suuim, who else?
I´ve got so many Suuim pieces I bought for my kids to show you all. Pity it all passed so rapidly these past days, they didn´t have time to wear them all. Now, please tell me. Don´t they look great? I love neon colour at the beach. This yellow neon will look fabulous on their tanned skins!
The kids may say it! This time not only they were able to get into water as they were able to do it properly dressed :-) For those of you who haven´t read my post and seen the photos from my last trip to the Algarve ( click here), my poor kids had to do it in shorts and t-shirt... It seems their mother forgot and left it all back at home :-D So many cool things to try on...and take photos of! Not a blogger thing! eheheh
Well, this time I behaved and they looked suuper, suuper cool! I know I might sound repetitive but please forgive me. I LOVE this brand! The aesthetic, the colours... they always good great <3 Of which brand I´m talking about? Suuim, who else?
I´ve got so many Suuim pieces I bought for my kids to show you all. Pity it all passed so rapidly these past days, they didn´t have time to wear them all. Now, please tell me. Don´t they look great? I love neon colour at the beach. This yellow neon will look fabulous on their tanned skins!
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