Já recuperada da grande noite do ano, deixo-vos um cheirinho da minha decoração com inspiração rústica.
Esta é a noite do ano minha preferida! Poder ter a minha família toda reunida, feliz e animada, e ter a felicidade de poder ter connosco o meu avô de 95 anos compensa todas as "dores" da preparação.
Espero que o vosso Natal tenha sido excelente! Aqui fica um pouquinho como foi o ambiente do nosso...
As jarras de vidro são antigas e comprei-as no Ikea. As pinhas foram apanhas por nós, na nossa "caça" à pinha com as crianças. A serapilheira para a toalha comprei em Campo de Ourique, na loja Santo Condestável Tecidos.
Copos vermelhos da Vista Alegre.
Casinha iluminada, da Cosy Decor&Design
Kit Casinha de bolacha de Gengibre, lanterna encarnada e Coroa de pêlo branco com coração - do Ikea
Arvores de Bolachas de gengibre - Ikea
Prato - Docinho de Açúcar
Prato branco de pé - Docinho de Açúcar
Recovered from the great night of the year, here is a little taste of my rustic inspired decor for the night.
For sure, this is my favourite night of the whole year! To be able to have my entire family reunited and happy, the happiness of having among us my 95 years old grandfather, makes me forget all the the "pain" of the prepping up.
I wish your Christmas was excellent as well! So here is a little of our Christmas rustic decor...
Artificial moss rug, wooden heart, rustic hearted lantern, rustic candles, artificial pinetree branches and white SIA candles, all from Cosy Decor & Design.
The glass jars are old and got them at Ikea. Pinecones from our "hunt" with the kids. Burlap for the tablecloth from Santo Condestável Tecidos.
Red glasses from Vista Alegre.
For sure, this is my favourite night of the whole year! To be able to have my entire family reunited and happy, the happiness of having among us my 95 years old grandfather, makes me forget all the the "pain" of the prepping up.
I wish your Christmas was excellent as well! So here is a little of our Christmas rustic decor...
The glass jars are old and got them at Ikea. Pinecones from our "hunt" with the kids. Burlap for the tablecloth from Santo Condestável Tecidos.
Red glasses from Vista Alegre.
Lighted house, from Cosy Decor&Design
Gingerbread house, Red Lantern and White fur wreath with wooden heart - all from Ikea
Gingerbread trees - Ikea
Plate - Docinho de Açúcar
White cake stand - Docinho de Açúcar
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