Partilho convosco a receita, para que possam experimentar.
Frango ao Sal (1/2 pax)
1/2 frango com pele (aprox.850grs)
2 kgs de Sal marinho
2 claras de ovo
Ervas aromáticas qb
2 rodelas de limão
Pré-aquecer o formo a 160ºC. Bater com um garfo as 2 claras de ovo e verter nos 2 kgs de sal. Misturar bem até formar uma pasta.
Colocar um pouco da mistura de sal para forrar o fundo da travessa de forno. Formar uma cama com as ervas aromáticas e as rodelas de limão. Colocar o frango por cima da cama de ervas.
Verter o restante sal por cima do frango, cobrindo-o completamente. Levar ao forno durante 20/30 mins (depende dos fornos), até a crosta alourar um pouco.
Salada de Forno (2/3 pax)
2 courgettes verdes grandes ou 3/4 pequenas ( ou se encontrar, 1 verde e 1 amarela)
2 tomates fatiados
125 grs mozzarella fresca
30ml de azeite
1 dente de alho picado
1 colher chá oregãos secos
sal e pimenta moida q.b.
Pré-aqueça o forno a 170ºC. Escalde as courgettes por minutos. Cortar em rodelas e colocar num tabuleiro de forno ou pyrex. Se tiver encontrado as courgettes amarelas, alterne as cores.
Cortar a mozzarella em fatias. colocar as fatias de queijo e tomate entre as fatias de courgette, distribuindo-as pelo tabuleiro.
Misturar o azeite com o alho e os oregãos e temperar com sal e pimenta. Para tornar esta receita mais saudável, reduzir a quantidade de azeite. Deitar a mistura de azeite por cima das courgettes e levar ao forno durante aprox. 20/30 mins. Escorra a água que possa ter e volte a colocar no forno para gratinar, até alourar.
Espero que gostem. Bom apetite!
I´m sharing the recipe with you guys, so that you can try it at home.
Chicken in Salt Crust (1/2 pax)
1/2 chicken with skin on (aprox.850grs)
2 kgs of salt
2 egg whites
Herbs to taste
2 slices of lemon
Pre-heat the oven at 160ºC. Whisk the egg whites with a fork and pour them into the salt. Mix it well until it turns into a paste.
Pour some of the salt mixture to cover the bottom of a oven tray. Lay the herbs and lemon slices to make a bed for the chicken. Put the chicken on top, skin upwards.
Pour the remaining salt mixture on top of the chicken, covering it all and pressing it down well. Take it to the oven for 20/30 mins (it depends on the ovens), until you get a golden crust.
Oven Salad (2/3 pax)
2 large green courgettes (zucchinis) or 3/4 small ones (if you find, half green e half yellow)
2 sliced tomatoes
125 grs fresh mozzarella
30ml olive oil
1 garlic clove finely chopped
1 teaspoon of dried oregano
salt &pepper to taste
Pre-heat the oven at 170ºC. Blanch the courgettes for a couple of minutes. Slice and lay them on a oven tray. If you were lucky to find the yellow ones, put them in alternate colours. .
Slice the mozzarella and put the slices of cheese and tomato in between the courgettes, spreading them along the tray.
Mix the olive oil with the garlic, oregano and season it to taste. To make this recipe a little healthier, reduce a little the amount of olive oil. Pour the oil mixture over the courgettes and take it to the oven for 20/30 mins. Drain any liquid it might have got and put it back to grill until golden brown.
Good appetite!
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