É verdade. Nestas coisas do mundo da maquilhagem sou uma autêntica tótó. Sou uma apaixonada por moda, adoro roupas, sapatos, malas, acessórios, etc... mas nunca gostei de me maquilhar, a não ser no que considero uma "versão minimalista", e verdade seja dita também nunca aprendi a fazê-lo bem.Tenho vindo a melhorar ao longos dos anos. Aqui me confesso. Era mesmo uma desgraça. Rotina diária matinal de limpeza da pele e colocação de creme era quando me lembrava e tinha tempo. Também noites houve em que me deitei sem retirar o eyeliner e o rimel, nem sequer limpar a pele. Sacrilégio dos grandes, eu sei. As idiotices que se cometem. Mas estou crente não ter sido a única a ter cometido tamanhos disparates...
Se há algo em que eu, desde cedo, fui fiel foi ao eyeliner e ao rímel para as pestanas. A não ser em alturas de prática de desporto, era praticamente impossível sair à rua sem os ter colocado. Tenho as pestanas claras e pouco volumosas. Preciso muito, por isso, destes dois meus raros amigos do mundo da cosmética.
Mais tarde, tornei-me mais fiel à base. E mesmo assim, nem sequer durante o ano todo. Ainda hoje, e porque jogo ténis regularmente ao ar livre, assim que começo a ganhar uma "corzinha" começo a relaxar, deixo de aplicar a base e fico-me apenas pelo protector solar com cor...
De alguns anos para cá, tenho melhorado e muito :-) Hoje em dia, não dispenso a limpeza matinal com aplicação do serum e creme de dia (na primavera com protector solar extra) bem como o mesmo à noite. E, neste momento, até tenho a vida facilitada porque o creme de dia é o mesmo que devo usar de noite. Base, corrector (com tanta prática de ténis ao ar livre, e apesar do protector, já tenho umas manchinhas a esconder), eyeliner (gosto da versão líquida com pincel) e rímel. And that´s it! Mínimo dos mínimos, como podem ver.
Não gosto de batons. De há dois anos para cá, porque tenho ficado com lábios secos assim que chega o tempo frio, tenho usado de manhã e à noite antes de deitar a Geleia de Vaselina da Vasenol para hidratar os lábios. E funciona muito bem. Não uso mesmo batons, a não ser um pouco de brilho, com um gloss o mais natural possível, aquando de uma saída à noite.
As poucas tentativas de me maquilhar um pouco mais acabaram, quase todas, comigo a retirar tudo e a voltar à versão minimalista. Muito provavelmente por causa do que vos comentei de início. Porque nunca aprendi a fazê-lo bem.
Mas eis que surge este livro maravilhoso, recentemente lançado em Portugal pela editora de Beleza da Vogue - Victoria Ceridono.
Ainda mal comecei a lê-lo e já me apetece começar a experimentar um pouco. Fa-bu-lo-so, acreditem em mim.
Este livro apareceu na altura certa. Recentemente, comecei a dar mais importância aos cuidados com a pele e fazer alguns tratamentos novos. Agora, talvez aprenda a tornar-me na melhor versão de mim própria ;-)
Noutro post, mostrar-vos-ei o que uso e faço hoje no que respeita a cosmética.
I´m a real nerd when it comes to this...but problem solved..I hope!
Is true. I'm a real nerd when it comes to the world of make-up. I´m passionate about fashion, love clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories, etc ... but never liked makeup, except in a what I would consider 'minimalist version ". Truth be told, I never learned to do it well .
I have been improving along the years. Before I really was a mess. I do confess myself. Daily morning routine of skin cleansing and applying cream was done when I remembered or had time to do it. Also, there were nights when I lay down to sleep without even removing the eyeliner and mascara. A sacrilege, I know. People do stupid things sometimes. But I'm quite confident not to be the only one to have done this a couple of times...
Something I was faithful from the get go was eyeliner and mascara. Except on sport days, it was virtually impossible for me to get out without putting them on. I have clear and not voluminous lashes. That´s why I need so much this two friends from the cosmetic world.
Later, I became more addicted to foundation. Still, not during all year long. Even nowadays, due to outdoors tennis play, as soon as I get a little tan I relax, dump the foundation and keep only the coloured sunscreen ... I know, I know..
But I got better somehow:-) Today, it´s a must my morning cleaning routine, with serum and day cream (in springtime with extra sunscreen) and the same at evening. My life just got a little easier because the day cream is the exact same one to use at night. Foundation, concealer (with so much outdoor tennis practice, even with sunscreen on, I have already a couple of spots to hide) eyeliner (I prefer the liquid version) and mascara. And that's it!
I don´t like lipsticks. For a couples of years now, my lips tend to get dry when cold comes in. What I do that helps me a lot is to apply, both morning and before bedtime, Vaseline jelly from Vasenol to moisturize the lips. The only thing I like to put on for a night out is some gloss, preferably on nude colours.
The few attempts I´ve made to makeup myself ended with me scrubbing everything off and getting back to basics. I really never learned to do it well.
But then, here comes in this wonderful book recently launched in Portugal by Vogue´s beauty editor - Victoria Ceridono.

If there´s anything in the world that could change a little bit my clumsiness and lack of patience for cosmetic endeavors, surely is this book. A Macarrons´box of Maison Ladurée. For sure, a fair comparison to this beauty compendium. The refinement, the romantic look and feel, the pastels color palette and the will it gives us to explore its contents.
I have barely started to read it and already feel like experimenting. Fa-bu-lous, believe me!

This book really did appear at the right time. Just recently, I started giving more importance to skin care and started a new treatment. Now, maybe I´ll learn how to look my very best ;-)
In a next post, I will show you the products I use and what I do with respect to skin care.
Is true. I'm a real nerd when it comes to the world of make-up. I´m passionate about fashion, love clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories, etc ... but never liked makeup, except in a what I would consider 'minimalist version ". Truth be told, I never learned to do it well .
I have been improving along the years. Before I really was a mess. I do confess myself. Daily morning routine of skin cleansing and applying cream was done when I remembered or had time to do it. Also, there were nights when I lay down to sleep without even removing the eyeliner and mascara. A sacrilege, I know. People do stupid things sometimes. But I'm quite confident not to be the only one to have done this a couple of times...
Something I was faithful from the get go was eyeliner and mascara. Except on sport days, it was virtually impossible for me to get out without putting them on. I have clear and not voluminous lashes. That´s why I need so much this two friends from the cosmetic world.
Later, I became more addicted to foundation. Still, not during all year long. Even nowadays, due to outdoors tennis play, as soon as I get a little tan I relax, dump the foundation and keep only the coloured sunscreen ... I know, I know..
But I got better somehow:-) Today, it´s a must my morning cleaning routine, with serum and day cream (in springtime with extra sunscreen) and the same at evening. My life just got a little easier because the day cream is the exact same one to use at night. Foundation, concealer (with so much outdoor tennis practice, even with sunscreen on, I have already a couple of spots to hide) eyeliner (I prefer the liquid version) and mascara. And that's it!
I don´t like lipsticks. For a couples of years now, my lips tend to get dry when cold comes in. What I do that helps me a lot is to apply, both morning and before bedtime, Vaseline jelly from Vasenol to moisturize the lips. The only thing I like to put on for a night out is some gloss, preferably on nude colours.
The few attempts I´ve made to makeup myself ended with me scrubbing everything off and getting back to basics. I really never learned to do it well.
But then, here comes in this wonderful book recently launched in Portugal by Vogue´s beauty editor - Victoria Ceridono.
If there´s anything in the world that could change a little bit my clumsiness and lack of patience for cosmetic endeavors, surely is this book. A Macarrons´box of Maison Ladurée. For sure, a fair comparison to this beauty compendium. The refinement, the romantic look and feel, the pastels color palette and the will it gives us to explore its contents.
I have barely started to read it and already feel like experimenting. Fa-bu-lous, believe me!
This book really did appear at the right time. Just recently, I started giving more importance to skin care and started a new treatment. Now, maybe I´ll learn how to look my very best ;-)
In a next post, I will show you the products I use and what I do with respect to skin care.
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